Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rain out game

The remainder of Thursday's game has been rescheduled for Friday, September 4.

If you would like to join us for the finish of the game, we will meet at Memorial stadium at 6:20.  Many students asked if they could have a pep band. Please bring your instruments.

I expect the remainder of the game to last approximately one hour.  We will sit in the stands and play pep music and cheer on the team.

Just wear blue and gold or any band apparel you might have.  Feel free to bring money for concessions. This will be one of the performances where you will be allowed to eat while in the stands.

If you are unable to make it, I understand, but if you can make it, here is the itinerary:

5:45  School will be open if needed
6:20  Meet at Memorial stadium wearing blue and gold, bring instruments
7:00  Game begins
8:00  (approximately) Game ends, get picked up.

There will be no organized Casey's afterwards.