Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One Call Now April 30

Don’t forget, tomorrow is state Band Festival.

Symphonic Band members must bring their concert blacks to school.  They will finish school, then go almost immediately into their uniforms and into the warmup rooms with a performance at 3:20.

Wind Ensemble members need to be at school by 6:45.  They warm up shortly thereafter and their performance is at 8 PM.

We are hoping your family will donate baked goods for the bakes sale.  They can be brought at any time tomorrow and stored in the band room.

Students that have volunteered to work the site can check at for job descriptions and dress code.

Please try to make a small donation to the band program next Tuesday for the GiveWhereYouLive campaign.

The text of this message can be found at

Job Descriptions for MSBOA

Job Descriptions:

Cafe - Assist parents in sales, cleanup, stocking, running snacks to judges in PAC.  Dress cleanly

PAC - Sit in PAC and assist judges: pencils, water, move scores from stage to judges.  Dress nicely

Backstage - Help with equipment unloading and organization.  Be available to move chairs and equipment on and off stage, assisting each band’s own setup crew.  Dress in all black in clothes that you can do some light lifting in. Dress in Dark

PAC Front - Assist parents with “shushing” people in the hallway and “guard doors.”  Carry a “QUIET” sign.  Dress nicely

SR - Assist MSBOA workers with music distribution in Sight Reading room.  Dress nicely

Guide - Greet arriving band at the door.  Dress nicely
Point director towards Headquarters, percussion and large equipment people to the PAC area, walk students to their coat room.
“Hello, welcome to Northern, my name is __________________________”
“We can send your large equipment people back behind the PAC to unload.”
“When you get a moment, please check in at headquarters and I’ll take your students to their coat room”

Approximately 10 minutes before warmup time, inform director of upcoming time.  “We’ll leave for the warm up room in 5 minutes”

Depart for warmup room 5 minutes before warmup time. “It’s time to leave for the warmup room”

Send Percussion/setup to stage 15 minutes before performance time. “Could you please send your equipment crew to the stage?”
“We’ll be leaving to perform in 10 minutes”

Depart for PAC 5 minutes before performance time. “It’s time to leave for the performance”

As you walk to the PAC, ask director for “music scores.” “May I have your music scores so I can deliver them?”

When you get to PAC, hand scores to the MSBOA announcer or judges.  Go sit in audience and watch.

After performance, congratulate director and students that you see and lead the band to the Media Center for Sight Reading. “Nice Job”

As band waits to in hallway sight read, jog back to cafe and get director a bottle of water.  Hand director bottle of water.  “Here.”

While sight reading, sit quietly and watch the band

After Sight Reading, congratulate director and students. lead band back to coat room.  Inform them that ratings and food are available in the cafeteria.

Check in with the director occasionally.  Let director know when you are leaving, but that if they need help with anything, 

they can contact Mr. Senkmajer or headquarters.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

One Call Now April 25, 2014

The band will be hosting a lock in this Friday night.  We are still looking for a couple of parent chaperones from 11-3 AM and 3 AM-7 AM.

Please email at

State Band festival is next Thursday and Friday.  The upperclassman bands perform on Thursday afternoon and evening.  We could use parent and student volunteers Thursday and Friday afternoon and evening.

The spring concerts are Sunday and Monday, May 18 and 19. 

The text of this message is available online at

Please remember to make a small donation to the program on May 6 at the Give Where You Live campaign through the community foundation of St. Clair County.

Thank you!

Monday, April 21, 2014

One Call Now April 21, 2014

Wind Ensemble Members have been invited to be recognized for their MMC performance at tonight’s School Board meeting.  If you plan to be there, be in PH’s cafeteria a little before 7 PM.  They will recognize us at the very beginning of the meeting.

One of our Alumni will be presenting a premier of his documentary on life in a retirement community.  It will be shown at 7PM at the SC4 Fine Arts building.  Admission is free.

The Deadline for flower orders is tomorrow at the end of the school day.

The band will be hosting a lock in this friday night.  Information is available in the band room and from student band council members.

State Band festival is next Thursday and Friday.  The upperclassman bands perform on Thursday afternoon and evening.  We could use parent and student volunteers Thursday and Friday.

The text of this message is available online at

The spring concerts are Sunday and Monday, May 18 and 19.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

One Call Now

Audio from OneCallNow

Band Booster meeting tuesday at 7 PM.  We hope to see you there!

Band yearbooks are on sale.  The link to purchase online is available on the band website,, or you can have your student bring in $25 to the band room.  The 72 page full-color yearbooks will cost $25 up until April 18, more if purchased later.  

Our State festival day and times have been published.  Both bands will perform Thursday, May 1, Symphonic Band at 3:20, Wind Ensemble at 8 PM at the northern PAC.  

The flower fund raiser is currently in progress.  We offer guaranteed delivery before Mother’s Day.

Thank you to all those that helped with the givewhereyoulive selfie contest that earned the band $250.  We are hoping you will participate in the National Give Where You Live campaign through the community foundation.  More information will be available on their website as well as in an upcoming newsletter.

Monday, April 7, 2014

WMU Stuff


Thank you for performing on this conference.  It should be a fun, relaxing, and interesting day.

We will leave at around 6:45 AM.  Please eat before you arrive.

Uniform: wear all black.  Black pants, black shirt.  Black shoes, black socks.  All black.  You may bring extra comfortable clothing for after the performance.

We will take care of lunch and dinner.

We will return a little on the late side.  If you would like to leave early with somebody else, please make sure all of your paperwork is in place.

We will have a rehearsal during 3rd hour on Friday.

We will rehearse Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 AM - 12 Noon.  
Please get to both, if possible.

You do not need to bring any money with you.