Wednesday, November 26, 2014

T-day Parade One Call Now

* Good evening
* This is a message from the Port Huron Northern Bands on Wednesday, November 26
* Thank you for the food donations.  We are looking forward to a very nice breakfast.
* Seniors and Juniors, don’t forget to bring in the milk, orange juice and the granola bars in the morning.
* Everybody else, dress appropriately for the weather, 25 in the morning, with temperatures rising steadily throughout the day.  Remember, several light layers, make sure that only black and navy blue show through.  The handout covering all of this is still available on the front page of the band web site.
* ALL students need to be there by 4:55 in full uniform with instruments in cases.  We will give final instructions, have bus signup, and feed breakfast to the students.
* The parade company requires us to be on site by 6:45 and our buses can legally only drive 55.  We are not able to wait for stragglers.  As with all performances, must be uniformed correctly in order to march.
* Family members, you can watch us on WDIV between 10 AM and 10:30.  While you watch, (and tonight, for that matter) please go to and find the link to vote for us. Voting is open all weekend and you can vote repeatedly.  We are hoping that you will.
* Band Fan bus riders, please be on site by 5:30
* Please also don’t forget the Port Huron Santa Parade on Friday night.  Students are allowed some fun uniform variances.
* Don’t forget to vote for us all weekend.  The band looks and sounds amazing.
* It’s a great time to be in the Northern Bands.