Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Text of Phone Call On Tuesday

This is a message from the Port Huron Northern Bands

We will start marching band rehearsal inside, then move outside after the sun gets a little lower.  Please bring water.  Also bring your chips.

There is a band booster meeting at 7 PM tonight.

Pizza kit pickup is this afternoon and tonight.  Kits that are not picked up will be given away because we do not have access to storage.

Your student received an updated calendar on Monday.  A link to it can be found online at PHNBands.org.

There is a football game this Friday and the itinerary is on that handout from Monday.

Your student will receive a permission slip/order form for Cedar Point/Halloweekends.  Please read it carefully and have it returned by the end of next week.

The text of this message can be found online at PHNBands.org.