Monday, June 10, 2013

Drum Majors

“The most difficult decisions in life are not between ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’ but between ‘right’ and ‘right.’” Dr. Will Peebles, 1989

This year has proven to be a very difficult leadership audition based upon the quality of the individuals involved who are willing to step forward to offer their talents.

After some painful and thoughtful deliberation, the decision that the audition team and I have come to will include Kristi Croteau and Jessica Ankley joining Spencer and Eli as Drum Majors for next year’s marching band.

The entire audition committee agreed that there was not a poor audition among them and that any combination of individuals would have brought something wonderful to our program.

We hope that you would be willing to be considered for other leadership opportunities in our organization both now and in the future.  We hope that you will continue to share your talents with our organization and continue to help us build something of which we have all grown very fond and very proud.  

Erick Senkmajer, Director
Port Huron Northern Bands