Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Performance

Good afternoon!  It’s a another great day for a band performance!

The following announcement can be read, word for word, on the front page of

Tonight we look forward to presenting for you, our PHN Bands Dance Party, featuring a cornucopia of sights and sounds from many different genres of music.

A few final announcements about tonight.

#1) The uniform for this concert is the Dance Party concert t-shirt, A Band Polo, a Drum line or color guard T-shirt or a plain black or plain navy T-shirt with jeans and Athletic shoes.
#2 )Jazz Band should be onstage with all equipment set up and ready for a sound check no later than 6 PM
#3) All other students should arrive on site at 6 PM and be onstage or backstage by 6:15.  The Concert Band should go directly to the stage. The Symphonic Band should go to stage Left.  The Wind Ensemble to Stage Right
#4) Because these concerts are usually so well attended, we are asking for your help in observing the posted entrance patterns in the PAC in order to help ease the congestion at entry.
#5) Any PHN Student Band council officer or any other upperclassman student, for that matter, that is available to volunteer starting at about 5:30, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Three additional announcements:
#1) Please bring in any school owned concert or marching instruments and leave them in the band room.
#2) Memorial Day parade is next Monday.  The veterans, the families of those that have fallen and community truly appreciate the couple of hours we commit to showing our respect for their sacrifices.
#3) Band Banquet is Tuesday, May 28th.  Tickets for the catered meal are available for purchase all this week.  $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
#4) Please bring in a dessert/cookie/cupcake to share at senior afterglow!