Sunday, December 18, 2016

Short Week, long post (Click "Read More" for better formatting)

Short week, long post!

  1. Rogue One - Don’t forget to sign up to go see Rogue One.  Pay for it by Monday afternoon.  We have some seats left, still, so feel free to invite family members to see it with us.
  2. Winter Guard - don’t forget the performance Monday night
  3. Jazz Band - Monday and Tuesday.  Please be a *little* early on Tuesday so we can set up to play in the hallways as we do every year
  4. Solo and Ensemble - I will put the first few s/e help sessions  online Monday night.  When you sign up, please try to sign up close to the time somebody else signs up so that the times are consolidated a bit. link:
  5. Field Trip - Some people are going to be field-tripping on Tuesday.  Please make sure you get and turn-in the travel permits.  Remember that you may drive yourself OR ride the bus.  You may only ride with another student if your parent fills out the travel permit to say specifically with whom you will be riding.  Wear Christmassy stuff.
  6. Horns Home! - PLEASE take your horns home over break and play some a few times a week.  Play some scales, play some do-do-re-do, 8-7-6 exercises.  Stay sharp!
  7. Rooming Cards - Please return your Spring Break travel rooming cards before Christmas.  
  8. Color Guard Jackets - Did you pay for your color guard jackets?

Friday, December 9, 2016

Order concert tickets (click "read more")

Anybody wishing to eat dinner with the band prior to the Holiday concert needs to RSVP for the meal. Use the Google form.
Spaghetti/alfredo, salad and dessert will be served from 5 PM to 6:25 PM on Tuesday, December 13. Parent helpers will stop serving dinner at 6:25 so that they can clean up and attend the performance. Each $7 non-bando meal ticket qualifies for a reserved seat at the Holiday concert.
You may also reserve tickets (no dinner) for concert on the same for for $5 apiece (if you order dinner, you automatically get a reserved ticket!
Please plan on Freshmen eating earlier end, Symphonic Band a little before 6 PM and 3rd hour band a little after 6 PM.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Winter Guard 2016-2017 - Click "Read more" for better formatting

Winter Guard 2016-2017

An even number of 10 was selected
Remy Evenson
Korryn Albert
Anna Senkmajer
Abbi Studaker
Alysse Armstrong
Lizzie Dewey
Alyssa Matthews
Meghan Wilton 
Elise Edie
Rylee Knott

By accepting a position, you are agreeing to:

Clear your schedules for regularly-scheduled practices.
Problems with this will result in suspension or dismissal
Guard capts will be expected to give you at least 14 days’ notice for any deviations

Clear your schedules for performances (14 days’ notice)
At least one Boys/Girls BBall game in Jan/Feb
SC4 Performance
Maybe one other
February concert
Spring concerts
Visits to middle schools

The guard is expected to know 
1) fall routines
2) at least one new routine 2-3 minutes in length in a “pop” style for winter
3) MAYBE a short Christmas tune to do at PHN Christmas assembly and MS visits 12/20
4) Longer routine for spring concerts, at least 2:30 in length
Incorporates dance, equipment work, maybe special effects, if desired

Guard members are strongly encouraged to attend SPINTASTIC on Sunday, December 18
Cost is $25 (includes transportation) plus your meal costs

Encouraged to attend a winter guard show!  Dates TBA

All music must be cleared with the director first

There will be a small fee for clinicians and T-shirts

Rehearsal time should be spent primarily with learning and polishing routines.  

“Fundamentals” should not take up more than 20% of any rehearsal time)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Canada Parades - click "Read More" for better formatting

Petrolia Parade, Saturday, December 3
Must have NEXUS, Passport, Enhanced License, or Birth Certificate (allowed for student performers)
11:00 AM School opens - Eat before you arrive
12:00 PM Depart for Petrolia
2:00 PM Parade in Petrolia
3:00 PM Petrolia serves us a nice meal
4:30 PM Depart for Sarnia Parade

Sarnia Parade, Saturday, December 3
Must have NEXUS, Passport, Enhanced License, or Birth Certificate (allowed for student performers)
4:00 PM School opens - Eat before you arrive
4:30 PM Depart for Sarnia
6:00 PM Parade Begins
8:45 PM Pick up at Port Huron Northern