Short week, long post!
- Rogue One - Don’t forget to sign up to go see Rogue One. Pay for it by Monday afternoon. We have some seats left, still, so feel free to invite family members to see it with us.
- Winter Guard - don’t forget the performance Monday night
- Jazz Band - Monday and Tuesday. Please be a *little* early on Tuesday so we can set up to play in the hallways as we do every year
- Solo and Ensemble - I will put the first few s/e help sessions online Monday night. When you sign up, please try to sign up close to the time somebody else signs up so that the times are consolidated a bit. link:
- Field Trip - Some people are going to be field-tripping on Tuesday. Please make sure you get and turn-in the travel permits. Remember that you may drive yourself OR ride the bus. You may only ride with another student if your parent fills out the travel permit to say specifically with whom you will be riding. Wear Christmassy stuff.
- Horns Home! - PLEASE take your horns home over break and play some a few times a week. Play some scales, play some do-do-re-do, 8-7-6 exercises. Stay sharp!
- Rooming Cards - Please return your Spring Break travel rooming cards before Christmas.
- Color Guard Jackets - Did you pay for your color guard jackets?