Sunday, December 18, 2016

Short Week, long post (Click "Read More" for better formatting)

Short week, long post!

  1. Rogue One - Don’t forget to sign up to go see Rogue One.  Pay for it by Monday afternoon.  We have some seats left, still, so feel free to invite family members to see it with us.
  2. Winter Guard - don’t forget the performance Monday night
  3. Jazz Band - Monday and Tuesday.  Please be a *little* early on Tuesday so we can set up to play in the hallways as we do every year
  4. Solo and Ensemble - I will put the first few s/e help sessions  online Monday night.  When you sign up, please try to sign up close to the time somebody else signs up so that the times are consolidated a bit. link:
  5. Field Trip - Some people are going to be field-tripping on Tuesday.  Please make sure you get and turn-in the travel permits.  Remember that you may drive yourself OR ride the bus.  You may only ride with another student if your parent fills out the travel permit to say specifically with whom you will be riding.  Wear Christmassy stuff.
  6. Horns Home! - PLEASE take your horns home over break and play some a few times a week.  Play some scales, play some do-do-re-do, 8-7-6 exercises.  Stay sharp!
  7. Rooming Cards - Please return your Spring Break travel rooming cards before Christmas.  
  8. Color Guard Jackets - Did you pay for your color guard jackets?

Friday, December 9, 2016

Order concert tickets (click "read more")

Anybody wishing to eat dinner with the band prior to the Holiday concert needs to RSVP for the meal. Use the Google form.
Spaghetti/alfredo, salad and dessert will be served from 5 PM to 6:25 PM on Tuesday, December 13. Parent helpers will stop serving dinner at 6:25 so that they can clean up and attend the performance. Each $7 non-bando meal ticket qualifies for a reserved seat at the Holiday concert.
You may also reserve tickets (no dinner) for concert on the same for for $5 apiece (if you order dinner, you automatically get a reserved ticket!
Please plan on Freshmen eating earlier end, Symphonic Band a little before 6 PM and 3rd hour band a little after 6 PM.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Winter Guard 2016-2017 - Click "Read more" for better formatting

Winter Guard 2016-2017

An even number of 10 was selected
Remy Evenson
Korryn Albert
Anna Senkmajer
Abbi Studaker
Alysse Armstrong
Lizzie Dewey
Alyssa Matthews
Meghan Wilton 
Elise Edie
Rylee Knott

By accepting a position, you are agreeing to:

Clear your schedules for regularly-scheduled practices.
Problems with this will result in suspension or dismissal
Guard capts will be expected to give you at least 14 days’ notice for any deviations

Clear your schedules for performances (14 days’ notice)
At least one Boys/Girls BBall game in Jan/Feb
SC4 Performance
Maybe one other
February concert
Spring concerts
Visits to middle schools

The guard is expected to know 
1) fall routines
2) at least one new routine 2-3 minutes in length in a “pop” style for winter
3) MAYBE a short Christmas tune to do at PHN Christmas assembly and MS visits 12/20
4) Longer routine for spring concerts, at least 2:30 in length
Incorporates dance, equipment work, maybe special effects, if desired

Guard members are strongly encouraged to attend SPINTASTIC on Sunday, December 18
Cost is $25 (includes transportation) plus your meal costs

Encouraged to attend a winter guard show!  Dates TBA

All music must be cleared with the director first

There will be a small fee for clinicians and T-shirts

Rehearsal time should be spent primarily with learning and polishing routines.  

“Fundamentals” should not take up more than 20% of any rehearsal time)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Canada Parades - click "Read More" for better formatting

Petrolia Parade, Saturday, December 3
Must have NEXUS, Passport, Enhanced License, or Birth Certificate (allowed for student performers)
11:00 AM School opens - Eat before you arrive
12:00 PM Depart for Petrolia
2:00 PM Parade in Petrolia
3:00 PM Petrolia serves us a nice meal
4:30 PM Depart for Sarnia Parade

Sarnia Parade, Saturday, December 3
Must have NEXUS, Passport, Enhanced License, or Birth Certificate (allowed for student performers)
4:00 PM School opens - Eat before you arrive
4:30 PM Depart for Sarnia
6:00 PM Parade Begins
8:45 PM Pick up at Port Huron Northern

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Santa Parade Info (click "Read more" for better formatting)

So here is the schedule


3:00 PM Band room will be open for anybody that wants to decorate instruments
- - - -purchase LEDs ($5) or Hats ($13) or Scarves ($11)
4:45 PM PHN Closes
5:00 PM Meet in the lower YMCA/SEMCO parking garage.
6:00 PM Parade begins (we are first)
6:25 PM Pick up at McMorran North lot

- However you dress and decorate, it cannot interfere with normal operation of your instrument.
- Full uniform DRESS IN LAYERS
- DECORATE with lights, garland, etc
- Hat:
- - - "Traditional Red and White Santa Hat"
- - - OR New Blue and Gold Band poof-ball hat
- - - OR Normal MB hat with thin nay blue or black hat, headband, or sport earmuffs underneath
- MB Gloves (you may wear layers)
- You may wear ANY type of scarf
- Color guard: Dress as arranged

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Busy Friday!

Click "Read more" for better viewing of this info.

Friday, Jeans, polo for school day

Juniors/Seniors that are able, Holland Woods QUICK assembly
HW Assembly peops (NRQ) meet in band room no later than 12:45

Non-HW assembly people go to band room *no later than* 1:15, start lining up for PHN assembly

1:30, HW people drive back to PHN
Non-HW people be prepared to start marching halls without us!

ALL MEET IN GYM at 1:40ish

Play in attendance block with backs to the blue mats.

After we play, go load equipment

All need to be at Memorial stadium in full uniform no later than 5:00 PM for a picture.
(If you still need band yearbook pictures, please be at Memorial by 4:45)

We will get pictures, then practice with PH then run though our own show.

We will play our pregame at 6:35

We will play our full halftime at halftime

We will stay after the game to watch PH perform their halftime show.

Parent pickup is at 9:30ish.


...oh, and don't forget playoffs...

Busy days for area band students!

On Thursday, Mike Yaros will be conducting FGMS bands in a concert at 7 PM at PHN.

On Friday, the community will get to see and hear two really nice HS marching bands at the PHN/PH game.

Saturday, the SC4 band will be giving a REALLY nice performance at 7PM at the Fine Arts Building. Music will include 8 pieces of music by the Symphonic Band:
Sousa, Elfman, Lloyd-Webber, Barnes, Osser and Anderson
plus a Brass Quintet and conclude with the Jazz Band with a 5-tune set.

Finally, on Sunday, the PHN drumline will participate in the Michigan State University Day of Percussion for the fourth consecutive year.

You should get to one or all of these. Members of your community are breathing life into a lot of dots written on pages. You will like the work they are doing.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wind Ensemble Unexpected short field trip

Holland Woods 9:45 – 10:45 during our regularly scheduled class time.
Wind Ensemble and pep music.
Jeans and band polos.
Travel permit:

Sunday, October 9, 2016 Sunday Night, Octber 9

1 of 4
Don’t forget - MB rehearsal starting at 5:30 Monday.  We will probably be done by 7:30.  Dress warmly!

2 of 4
MB Festival Tuesday (A) Tix on sale in band room $2, $3.  Buy from us, PHNBands gets all the $$

3 of 4
MB Festival Tuesday (B)  Want pizza beforehand?  Bring $2 during the day and we will serve at about 4:30.

4 of 4

MB Festival Tuesday (C) We will get on buses and leave school shortly after 5.  Full uniform.  Wear layers.  Parents pick up at stadium at about 9:15.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Richmond Parade

Sunday, September 11
be ready to leave at 11:30, pickup at about 3:30
Full Uniform
Music Shut Up and Dance
Self-transport Form -

100 Man Party - I did this!
Richmond Grand Parade
Richmond Map
Here is a link to the Google Map of the Parade route.
We will drop off near Ridge and Main and march down Main to the Kmart parking lot

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Game day info

CLICK "MORE" below for easier reading.

MB Football game (Thursday!) 5:00 PM (6:45) 9:15 PM
Drop-off at Memorial Stadium by 5 unless your section says otherwise.
Summer uniform, including
Black official MB Shoes
Black socks with no other markings that go partway up calf
Band polo
Eat before you arrive. Water and snack provided in stands
Do not bring food into stands, you will not be allowed to purchase/eat food from concessions
(even from your very, very, very nice, thoughtful parents)
If it rains, still show up. The only reasons not to show are:
Official announcement on or Band websites
Twitter announcement from @phnbands announcement
Afterwards, much of the band goes to Casey’s afterwards ($8)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

I'm hoping this information will help convince you to vote Yes today

I avoid talking policy on FB. People behave far worse to each other here than they do face-to-face. Just because I resist talking about something doesn't mean I don't have very strong feelings about it.

Here we go.

I support raising my own taxes to support the schools.

Not because I'll get a raise. I won't. In fact, regardless of the outcome of this election, teachers are likely—once again—to be taking home less in September than they did in August. For anybody that cares, many veteran teachers I know are noting that their take-home pay is the lowest it has been for over a decade and a half.

There are three basic streams of revenue:
* Source 1: "Foundation Grant" - you pay your local property taxes and a bunch of it gets sent to the state. It is redistributed to schools in proportions that may or may not reflect the amount of property taxes that are being paid locally. Most of the district's budget comes from the taxes you pay locally. For reasons I will explain a little further down, the majority of this money is *intended* to be used primarily for salaries, program support, and smaller maintenance projects. The legislature decides on a year-by-year basis whether there is going to be a cut (usually) or occasionally a small raise that never remotely keeps up with inflation.
* Source 2: Some extra grants from the state and federal government. This money is used almost exclusively for programs, materials and some limited additional personnel resources. LOTS of strings attached.
* Source 3: Infrastructure bond issues - must be approved by local voters. Can ONLY be used for infrastructure.

This bond issue (and all bond issues), by law, is used for infrastructure. Period. The option to use certain types of local millages for salaries and services went away in 1994... and there isn't—and never was—a "scheme" to reroute the money to pay salaries.

Man, don't I wish.

Bond issue money is raised locally to support the infrastructure of a local entity. This money is *not* channelled through multiple levels of local, state, and federal bureaucracies, each taking their cut. The money we approve for use gets used here. All of it.

The money raised in the last election a few years back was, in fact, used as stated. This is easy information to look up and verify. I understand that a few very angry people will say otherwise. The problem with any assertions to the contrary is that it ignores the fact that bond issues are binding contracts between taxpayers and the entity receiving the money. As for the last Bond issue: Did people hope we could stretch the dollars somewhat? Yes. Did people talk about things they hoped they could add to the list of improvements for the school district based on income/cost projections? Yes. Were a few of the extras able to be completed? Yes, but not all of them. Items that the district were contractually obliged to complete were, in fact, completed. Period.

"Schools need to run like businesses!" Except for private and parochial schools, schools can not decide to raise prices to pass costs along to their customer. Wouldn't it be nice if your local businesses and—even better—wouldn't it be nice if state and federal government had to ask your permission before raising fees and taxes and cutting services? School districts have to wait and see what the state decides to offer in a Foundation Grant, wait to see what the state and federal government offers in additional funding, wait to see what new strings are attached to all of those dollars, then budget on what is usually a flat or shrinking revenue stream and also try to cover expanding costs. In most cases, that means cutting salaries. That has happened. Boy-oh-boy has it. Just ask my tax accountant.

"We spend too much on teacher salaries!" When the assertion is made that our foundation grant must be used to cover ALL maintenance AND ALL construction of any form, shape and variety, it reveals a lack of understanding of the nature of the type of entity schools are. Education is, in fact, a *service industry.* Delivering instruction and providing feedback and support is a labor-intensive process. It is not a business with a product that can be manufactured, and then, in an effort to save money, come to the decision to ship the processes and services out of state or out of country.

In Michigan, the foundation grant covers:
* Salaries including: teachers, bus drivers, maintenance workers and custodians, secretaries, administrators, food service workers, etc.
* To a MUCH smaller extent: Coaching salaries
* Minor-to-medium maintenance and construction
* Utilities including heat, lights, etc.
* Classroom materials and supplies (though many teachers spend hundreds of dollars a year supporting this)
* Transportation, fuel and maintenance, and occasional purchase
* Grounds maintenance including fuel, equipment, vehicles, and supplies
* A portion of curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular materials and supplies including sports, clubs and arts programs

The school does, in fact, invest millions of dollars every year into maintenance and infrastructure. That said, many of the buildings are about half a century old or older.

The revenue from the state has fallen by tens of millions of dollars just since my family arrived in 2003. Sure, student numbers have dropped, and in response, the district has cut the size of the teaching staff considerably and closed buildings. Even with those cuts in staff, salaries and buildings, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to budget for large, long-term, large-scale necessary projects when the budget resources keep falling.

That is important voters to understand, especially when combined with the following: under Michigan's educational funding structure, local communities are *expected* to pass bond issues for medium-to-large infrastructure maintenance and improvements.

Here's another important thing to consider: Port Huron is among the group of schools that gets the smallest per-pupil Foundation Grant of all schools in Michigan. Many, many school districts, regardless of their property taxes, get Foundation Grants that range from $500 to more than $4000 more *per student,* and thus, while paying their teachers basically the same (if not more than Port Huron) those other districts structurally have far more money to work with.

Schools are complicated, dynamic, financial entities. Education funding across the state is inconsistent and often arbitrary.

The Foundation Grant primarily takes care of school employees trying to help the students in the community be prepared for higher education, apprenticeships, jobs, and hopefully be better citizens that want to then help and support the communities in which they, themselves, will ultimately settle.

This bond issue helps to make sure that the students and teachers have the infrastructure they need to fulfill that mission.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Camp pickup info

Be here by 6:40!

Covenant Hills Campground:
I-69 W toward Flint, go 54.4 mi west

Take exit 145 for M-15, Davison/Clarkston

Turn right onto M-15 N/S State Rd, go 12.7 mi north

Turn right onto Farrand Rd, go 0.7 mile east
Camp will be on the left

Covenant Hills Camp
10359 Farrand Road
Otisville, MI 48463

Link to a Google Map:

Friday, July 22, 2016

Camp info

Please remember the following items:
(Turn in Sunday) Freshmen: A box or two of “Little Debbie” type snacks | Sophomores: Bag of apples | Juniors: Bag of oranges | Seniors: Watermelon | <> | 

Arrival Times

Seniors and Freshmen: 11:30 AM! | Juniors: 12:15!  |  Sophomores: 12:45! | <> | 

15-20 minute meeting for families of new band members at 5:00 PM on Sunday! 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rotary Day Parade 2016

Details on Rotary Day Parade. Map at calendar link to the left. Please click the Calendar tab to left, then select July 13.

Map and details at the link.

Monday, July 4, 2016

FB: #BandTogether to Help WV Bands after Floods

Click "Read More" below to see how to help out these programs.

Donations can be mailed to either the Band fund at Hoover HHHS Band Boosters Poca Valley Bank Attn: Carol Raines P.O. Box 13456 Sissonville, WV 25320
Or to the combined Choir/Band fund at: Herbert Hoover Music Relief Fund United Bank 4605 Pennsylvania AV Big Chimney, WV 25302.

Richmond HS Band Flood Relief

Saturday, July 2, 2016

PHN Huskies helping Hoover Huskies

A friend of mine from the Algonac High School Band (many, many decades ago) is now a meteorologist/feature/news reporter at WOWK, Huntington WV. Spencer Adkins was a pretty good horn player, and even better drum line member and drum set player. His own children are in really nice marching bands down there, so he has a real soft spot for this thing that we do.  
About a week ago there were terrible floods in the valleys of West Virginia. Spencer let me know that several schools were flooded and several band programs lost EVERYTHING and is trying to get the word out for some help for them.
One of the bands has the mascot of a HUSKY... Sooooooooo.... on Tuesday, could you bring in some *pocket change* to donate to their band program? Huskies helping Huskies! WOOOOO!!! You can see pictures at the link below.
Thanks, in advance for any small thing you can do to help.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


VIDEO EMBEDDED IN THE POST.  Hit "Read More" below.

Nice first practice today!  If you know of any 8th->9th graders (or older, for that matter) that might still be interested, it's not too late for them to join this great group of musicians and even better group of people!  

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Congratulations New and Returning Color Guard Members

Please help us welcome the newest and returning members of one of the most beautiful things going on in the area.

Meghan Wilton (12)
Elise Edie (12)
Madeline Godwin (12)
Brooke Snyder (12)
Remy Evenson (12)
James King (12)
Alyssa Matthews (12)
Korryn Albert (12)
Hannah Halifax (11)
Annie Timm(11)
Lauren Mertz(11)
Rylee Knott(11)
Elizabeth Dewey (10)
Alysse Armstrong (10)
Kenzie Mueller  (10)
Marie Bills (10)
Anna Senkmajer (9)
Kiera Snyder (9)
Zoe Haynes (9)
Abbi Studaker (9)

Members should consider attending a color guard camp the summer to further develop their skills.  Many of our past color guard members have had great experiences at the Michigan State Performing Arts Camp.  Registration has been open for awhile.  More information for this camp (next Wednesday through Friday) can be found here:

Monday, June 6, 2016

Commencement band + Seniors

Click *more* below to read more clearly

We will load Tubas and percussion and amps.  If you need your instrument, you need to put it in the side hallway before 8:30 AM or transport it yourself.

Don't forget music!

Jazz Bands: Dress nicely; Arrive by 5:30; start performing by 6:00 PM
Commencement Band: Dress nicely; Arrive by 6:15 PM (parking will be nutty) Release by 8:15
Seniors: Join us at approximately 6:45 for Backstage pass.  Do you know where your instrument is?

Friday, May 27, 2016

Leadership 2016/2017

We are pleased to announce the three newest members of our leadership team.

We welcome aboard the following
*** Lindsay Dubay - Field Commander
*** Matthew Hartson - Field Commander
*** Bridget Dooley - Horn Captain

ALL of the auditions were terrific. There was not a weak one among them.  The panel got to have a taste of the difficult, miserable decisions that need to be made in a program such as ours on a regular basis.  

These leaders will be expected to sign contracts that outline high expectations for work and behavior.  The Field Commanders will also be expected to attend a summer leadership clinic.

ALL of the candidates have great gifts to offer. We hope that we can consider all of these candidates for future potential leadership positions and lots of help and support in what is already shaping up to be a great 2016/2017. 

Mr. Senkmajer and the Leadership Panel

*** Ellie Kolar, Flute
*** Ana Archer, Clarinet
*** Abbey Diller, Saxophone
*** Austin Elliott, Trumpet
*** Madeline Frank, Mellophone
*** Alex Mayer, Low Brass
*** Madison Haron, Baritone
*** Alex Clark, Tuba
*** Jasmine Bryce, Drum Line
*** Meghan Wilton, Color Guard
*** Kit Harmer, Drum Major 2015-17
*** Sara Jex, Drum Major 2015-17

Section leader interviews will take place the last week of school

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Spring Concert May 15 + 16

Hit "more" below to read all of this...
Here is the order form:
T-shirt/ticket order form
Reserved seat tickets $5 - 
good until 10 minutes prior to show starts not sold on night of performance
Early admission $3 - 
early admission starts about 30 min. prior all unmarked seats are available
Free Admission - a few minutes prior to the start of concert
T-Shirt - Navy Blue, Greenish glow-in-the-dark
.     $14 pre-order (+ $2 each size above XL)
.     Available in traditional and “fitted” cuts
.     Male cut = adult male sizes
.     Fitted” cut = adult female size
Discount - Take $1 off each Reserved seat when you early-order a T-shirt

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hockey Game Saturday Afternoon!

Click "Read More" below 
Bandos and recent band alumni
3:00 School Opens for instruments |
3:15 School closes |
3:30 Meet at McMorran |
4:15 Game Begins |
6:00 Game Ends | 
Then go to Winterfest! | 
Dress warmly. Transport your own equipment.  |  
Flip Folios will appear at McMorran | 
Recent Band Alumni welcome! | 

Monday, February 8, 2016

S/E Schedule

Click this link to see a cleaner copy of the schedule

or this one for a .pdf

Need an accompanist?
Jyme Hager 434-2563
Matt Manhart 841-3887

DIST3 HS 2/20/16 - Imlay City Imlay City HS - Imlay City HS (2/20/2016)

Port Huron Northern HS (16029)

Time Leader Performers Ints. Perf. Type Section Judge

10:39 AM

Madison Haron

Madison Frank

Thomas Gaffney

Riley Pond

Alex Clark

Austin Elliot

Brass Ens


Section 8

Chad Hayes

10:47 AM

Meredith Ringvelski

Evan Kercher



Section 8

Chad Hayes

10:55 AM

Olivia Vanbuskirk

Madelyn Hubbard



Section 9

James D. Ohrt

11:03 AM

Chelsie Bowers

Tavis Thornton

Jordan Berg

Mary Repp

Riley Pond

Austin Elliot

Berant Perry

Jack Dobel

Brady Esterline

Ryan Duda


Chamber Choir

Section 6

Steven Burns

11:11 AM

Olivia Vanbuskirk

Madelyn Hubbard

Jasmine Bryce

Noehl Bingham



Section 9

James D. Ohrt

11:27 AM

James King



Section 6

Steven Burns

11:35 AM

Joey McElwain

Gary Rivera



Section 8

Chad Hayes

11:51 AM

Abbey Kern

Briana Johnson

Kathryn Richmond



Section 2

Iris Haynes

11:51 AM

James King

Amber Hannan



Section 7

James R. Otto

1:00 PM

Olivia Stein

Maci Roberts

Ana Archer

Emily Bundy

Woodwind Ens


Section 2

Iris Haynes

1:00 PM

Emma DeVoght



Section 6

Steven Burns

1:08 PM

Brooke Snyder

Kayla Kamendat



Section 2

Iris Haynes

1:08 PM

Cierra Burgett

Molly O'Farrell

Summer Fraley

Bb Clarinet


Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

1:16 PM

Gillian Bolt



Section 2

Iris Haynes

1:16 PM

Felicia Hawkins

Bb Clarinet


Section 3

Michael Larsen

1:16 PM

Micaela Muzzarelli

Elise Edie

Bb Clarinet


Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

1:16 PM

Evan Kercher

Sara Jex

Owen Louks



Section 8

Chad Hayes

1:32 PM

Kaylie Rogers

Elizabeth Doyle

Mary Ratajczak-Smith



Section 2

Iris Haynes

1:40 PM

Erin Vos

Micaela Muzzarelli

Alto Saxophone


Section 4

Eric Crimmins

1:40 PM

Mikaela Dobel

Marlena Thomas



Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

1:40 PM

Sara Jex

Andy Dubay

Madison Haron

Kit Harmer

Mary Repp

Brass Ens


Section 6

Steven Burns

1:48 PM

Josh Stepke

Tenor Saxophone


Section 4

Eric Crimmins

1:48 PM

Amelia Dell

Bb Clarinet


Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

1:48 PM

Olivia Ramsey



Section 8

Chad Hayes

1:56 PM

Abbey Kern

Briana Johnson

Kathryn Richmond

Megan Reudisueli



Section 1

Nicki Bruski

1:56 PM

Felicia Hawkins

Shelby Mayer

Nicholas Dewey

Bb Clarinet


Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

2:04 PM

Mikaela Dobel

Summer Fraley

Ellen Forsgren

Haley Eisenhauer

Olivia Bolt

Woodwind Ens


Section 2

Iris Haynes

2:04 PM

Olivia Stein

Bass Clarinet


Section 3

Michael Larsen

2:04 PM

Berant Perry

Brady Esterline



Section 6

Steven Burns

2:04 PM

Chelsie Bowers

Tavis Thornton

Austin Elliot

Mary Repp



Section 7

James R. Otto

2:12 PM

Bridget Dooley

Madison Haron

Karli Ross

Woodwind Ens


Section 2

Iris Haynes

2:12 PM

Matt Corsetti

Matthew Hartson

Alto Saxophone


Section 4

Eric Crimmins

2:12 PM

Felicia Hawkins

Kathy Garneu

Bb Clarinet


Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

2:20 PM

Alecia Boland



Section 1

Nicki Bruski

2:20 PM

Evelyn O'Donnell



Section 2

Iris Haynes

2:28 PM

Zachary Johnson



Section 2

Iris Haynes

2:28 PM

Elizabeth Hoover

Alexis Rodriguez

Makayla Morris

Nimue Stokan

Alto Saxophone


Section 4

Eric Crimmins

2:28 PM

Alysse Armstrong

Bb Clarinet


Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

2:28 PM

Jordan Berg

Logan Radatz

Madison Davis

Noah Williamson

Thomas Gaffney

Brass Ens


Section 6

Steven Burns

2:28 PM

Kate Lubbers

Brady Esterline



Section 7

James R. Otto

2:36 PM

Brooke Snyder

Elise Edie



Section 1

Nicki Bruski

2:36 PM

Olivia Stein

Maci Roberts

Kayla Kamendat

Mhairi Lake

Woodwind Ens


Section 2

Iris Haynes

2:36 PM

Meghan Wilton

Shelby Mayer

Bb Clarinet


Section 3

Michael Larsen

2:36 PM

Matthew Hartson

Alto Saxophone


Section 4

Eric Crimmins

2:36 PM

Emily Tetreau



Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

2:36 PM

Noah Schumaker



Section 7

James R. Otto

2:44 PM

Lauren Mertz

Alecia Boland



Section 1

Nicki Bruski

2:44 PM

Bridget Dooley



Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

2:44 PM

Elizabeth Dewey



Section 6

Steven Burns

2:52 PM

Layla Samman

Victoria Pozios

Madison Seaton



Section 1

Nicki Bruski

2:52 PM

Mary Ratajczak-Smith



Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

2:52 PM

Olivia Bolt

Madison Davis

Amethyst Stevens



Section 7

James R. Otto

3:15 PM

Elizabeth Matthews

Ellie Kolar



Section 2

Iris Haynes

3:15 PM

Alexandra Allers

Bb Clarinet


Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

3:15 PM

Tyler Berberian

Alexis Rodriguez



Section 8

Chad Hayes

3:23 PM

Mikaela Dobel

Alto Saxophone


Section 4

Eric Crimmins

3:23 PM

Mary Ratajczak-Smith

Emily Tetreau



Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

3:31 PM

Madison Seaton

Victoria Pozios



Section 1

Nicki Bruski

3:31 PM

Ellie Kolar

Lauren Senkmajer

Kate Lubbers

Meghan Wilton

Bridget Dooley

Woodwind Ens


Section 2

Iris Haynes

3:31 PM

Kathy Garneu

Ian Graziadei

Bb Clarinet


Section 3

Michael Larsen

3:39 PM

Layla Samman



Section 1

Nicki Bruski

3:39 PM

Micaela Muzzarelli



Section 2

Iris Haynes

3:39 PM

Amelia Dell

Madison O'Neill

Bb Clarinet


Section 3

Michael Larsen

3:39 PM

Ellen Forsgren

Tenor Saxophone


Section 4

Eric Crimmins

3:47 PM

Jessica LaFreniere



Section 1

Nicki Bruski

3:47 PM

Nick Dewey

Bb Clarinet


Section 3

Michael Larsen

3:47 PM

Matt Corsetti

Matthew Hartson

Abbey Diller

Josh Stepke

Alto Saxophone


Section 4

Eric Crimmins

3:55 PM

Sophie Steinborn

Amelia Dell

Caitlin Santer

Bb Clarinet


Section 3

Michael Larsen

3:55 PM

Lauren Senkmajer



Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

4:03 PM

Medha Krishen


Piano Solo

Section 1

Nicki Bruski

4:03 PM

Layla Samman

Kaylie Rogers



Section 2

Iris Haynes

4:03 PM

Matt Corsetti

Matthew Hartson

Alex Beem

Adam Czubachowski

Robbie Bachellor

Mikaela Dobel

Abbey Diller

Josh Stepke

Vaughn Haynes

Alto Saxophone

Chamber Choir

Section 4

Eric Crimmins

4:03 PM

Ellen Forsgren



Section 5

Thomas R. Wentworth

4:11 PM

Abbey Kern

Briana Johnson

Kathryn Richmond

Gillian Bolt

Megan Reudisueli



Section 2

Iris Haynes