Thursday, December 17, 2015

Congratulations Honors Band selectees!

- | -
MSBOA District III January 30 *
Kathy Garneau - Bass Clarinet * 
Mary Ratajczak-Smith - Oboe * 
Bridget Dooley - Bassoon *
Josh Stepke - Bari Saxophone *
Amethyst Stevens - French Horn *
$10 fee due Friday January 9
- | -
Albion FEBRUARY 26! * 
Mikaela Dobel - Alto Sax * 
Matthew Hartson - Alto Sax  * 
Ellen Forsgren - Tenor Sax  * 
Kathy Garneau - Bass Clarinet * 
Mary Ratajczak-Smith - Oboe * 
Bridget Dooley - Bassoon * 
Amethyst Stevens - French Horn *

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Holiday Concert Dinner Reservations

SORRY! After 5 days, Dinner reservations are closed!

Please click the "Read More" tab below in order to read this post more clearly.

Dinner of Spaghetti/alfredo, salad and dessert will be served from 5 PM to 6:20 PM on Tuesday, December 15. Parent helpers will stop serving dinner at 6:20 so that they can clean up and attend the performance. $5 for band members, $7 for all others.

Anybody wishing to eat dinner with the band prior to the Holiday concert, here is the RSVP.

Feel free to use either the CHARMS system or the Google form link below. EITHER one will work.

The $7 meal includes a reserved seat of their choice at the concert.

You may pay by cash or check at the door.

RSVP by using either:
(SORRY! After 5 days, Dinner reservations are closed!)

CHARMS RSVP - SORRY! After 5 days, Dinner reservations are closed!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday Update

Nice job this weekend, folks!

Do you have your banquet tickets? $6, $25 "under one roof" limit.

Link to WDL result in Twitter feed to the right.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Parade Day!

Canada Parades -  
Sarnia only 
- [ 3:30 PM Band Room Opens ]
- [ 4:15 PM Depart for Sarnia ]
- [ 6:00 PM Parade ]
- [ 8:30 PM Pickup at PHN ]
* Full uniform * |
* You may wear a Red and white Santa hat * |
* You may wear black headband or earmuffs * |
* Dress in layers * |
Tuck any under- layers into your socks * |
* Get hand- warmers.  You may not wear gloves that interfere with playing * |
* You may decorate your instruments and yourselves with lights and garland * |

* Birth certificate, Nexxus, Enhanced ID, Passport.  MUST be kept on you at all times * |

If you add Petrolia
- [ 11:30 PM Band Room Opens ]
- [ 12:15 PM Depart for Petrol  ]
- [ 2:00 PM Parade ]
- [ 3:30 PM Dinner in Petrolia ]

- [ 4:30 PM Depart for Sarnia ]

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

FB, Remind101 "Stuff"

$$ for banquet tickets! ($6 / $25 "family under 1 roof" max.) ** | **
Bring in your Canada travel permit! ** | **
Take the survey! ** | **

Remind101!: Text to 81010: @phnbands, @phn-jazz, @phn-SandE, @phn-mb, @phn-cg, @phn-dl

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Santa Parade November 27

Taken directly from class handout

November 27 MB Santa Parade
|4:30 PM—Band Room Open ****
|4:45 PM—Band Room Closes ***
|5:00 PM—Meet behind SEMCO down by YMCA ****
|6:00 PM—Parade ****
|7:00 PM—Pickup at McMorran North Lot ****

Full uniform.  
You may wear a Red and white Santa hat. 
You may wear black headband or earmuffs
You may wear colorful scarf
Dress in layers (yes, it might rain)
Tuck any under-layers into your socks
Get hand-warmers.  You may not wear gloves that interfere with playing

You may decorate your instruments and yourselves with lights and garland

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Winter Guard Posting

Thank you for auditioning. 

I am very sorry about the delay.  

I had to work out the mechanics of viewing the video because the file was too large to be emailed, and then, 
of course, we had the concert and I had 
commitments Wednesday night.

There were many VERY good auditions, 
but for *this* group we are, unfortunately, 
limited by the size of the stage to *12*

Thank you for taking the time with the group.

Please keep working,

please keep auditioning.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Concert November 10

November 10 Shared rehearsal day 1/6, 2/5
ACB Fall Concert Please see explanation in mailing
MB - wear the MB uniform for performance
no hats/gloves for concert portion - bring them, though
Non-MB Females: All black.  Completely black
Black dress pants, black dress top
Not lace, not leggings, not black with stripes, polka dots, etc.
Males: Purchase tuxedo shirt/bowtie. You will be issued a tuxedo (on rack)
Unable to get necessary uniform parts?  Let us know by 
Friday, Nov 6.  The uniform part of the performance grade is not based on the ability to be able to
                      afford the necessary uniform, but the ability to follow instructions.
MB on floor at 6:30 PM, all others in choir room at 6:30
Take Tuxes Home!  
Goto for 40% coupon   Get tux shirt/bowtie at Hobby Lobby for about $14

Any questions about uniforms?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Vote for Coolest Band in Michigan

Vote like it's a Chicago election: Early and often, dead or alive! . . .

Click "more" below to see vote and to see awesome pics of us doing cool stuff! . . .

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Last Chance!

All students received a multipage packet on the first day of class; Most of this information sat on the front page of the band website for 3 weeks.  For extra credit (Band-o-grams, Alma Percussion Day) go to bottom of this post.

Your first several grades of the marking period are:

1) YOUR calendar (1 of 4 calendars in the packet)
You print your full name, hour, sign your name

2) Parent calendar (2nd of 4 calendars in the packet)
You print your full name, hour, have parent sign *their* name

Other 2 calendars are for home and for coach/work/relative, whatever
Additional copies of the calendar may be printed out from  -> go to TWiB tab

3) Fill out online form found at
                    (Due by end of day, Tuesday)

4) First basic scales: play as many octaves as possible
Concert Band: Bb Concert Eb Concert
Symphonic Band Add F Concert Ab Concert
Wind Ensemble Add  C Concert Db Concert

Earned extra credit?
Do this form right NOW
Extra Credit Shtuff

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Eat Lunch before you arrive
Arrive no later than 11:29 wearing band pants and warm top (sweatshirt/jacket); bring uniform top on hangar.  Bring hat in box.
Depart at 11:59 AM
We perform at about 4 PM
Bring $$ for concessions
We will return at about 8 PM (please call for rides t about 7:45 PM)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

FGMS Tuesday

FGMS tomorrow!

Link to travel permit below.

Band: navy polo, blue jeans, athletic shoes
Guard: Pregame uniforms
12:25, check into your 5th hour come down to band room; bring what you need for end of day to the band room.
Sign sheet on my music stand to make sure you are on excused list

Make sure your equipment is loaded
Meet out in front of the school
Load buses, cars

Remember that you may not drive or ride with somebody else unless your travel permit reflects that adjustment!

We will be home before buses leave, but IT WILL BE CLOSE.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Assignment

All students received a multipage packet on the first day of class;

Your first several grades of the marking period are:

1) YOUR calendar (1 of 4 calendars in the packet)
You print your full name, hour, sign your name

2) Parent calendar (2nd of 4 calendars in the packet)
You print your full name, hour, have parent sign *their* name

Other 2 calendars are for home and for coach/work/relative, whatever
Additional copies of the calendar may be printed out from  -> go to TWiB tab

3) Fill out online form found at
                    (Due by end of day, Tuesday)

4) First basic scales: play as many octaves as possible
Concert Band: Bb Concert Eb Concert
Symphonic Band Add F Concert Ab Concert

Wind Ensemble Add C Concert Db Concert

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rain out game

The remainder of Thursday's game has been rescheduled for Friday, September 4.

If you would like to join us for the finish of the game, we will meet at Memorial stadium at 6:20.  Many students asked if they could have a pep band. Please bring your instruments.

I expect the remainder of the game to last approximately one hour.  We will sit in the stands and play pep music and cheer on the team.

Just wear blue and gold or any band apparel you might have.  Feel free to bring money for concessions. This will be one of the performances where you will be allowed to eat while in the stands.

If you are unable to make it, I understand, but if you can make it, here is the itinerary:

5:45  School will be open if needed
6:20  Meet at Memorial stadium wearing blue and gold, bring instruments
7:00  Game begins
8:00  (approximately) Game ends, get picked up.

There will be no organized Casey's afterwards.

Thursday, September 3 - game day!

Please do not make any assumptions about the weather and the game.

As we have done in the past when there has been rain on game days, I f it is still raining at report time, please report to the front doors of Port Huron High School and we will wait inside until a final decision is made by the school district. 

We take your safety very seriously, but if the team is playing, if the cheerleaders are there, the band will be there.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

MSU Field Trip

All field trip forms will now be found by clicking the tab to the left that says "TWIBs, Literature, etc." then scrolling to the bottom and clicking the field trip link

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Thursday Game Day!

August 27 MB Football Game
Summer uniform:   Band Polos, Black shoes, black socks, black pants (not jeans or leggings); guard in vests
4:45 Arrival at Memorial stadium - Eat before you arrive
5:00 PM Gather in Sections
5:15 PM Meet on practice field
6:30 PM March to stadium
        6:45 PM Pregame begins
Watch game, perform.  Leave only for bathroom.  
Parents: please do not bring food or drinks to students.  Students do not leave stands to purchase food or drinks.  As stated in rehearsals, and as stated in handouts and as stated above, students should eat beforehand; a snack and drink will be provided.
Approximately 9:15 PM Game ends
Just like the football team and the cheerleaders, students may not leave until game ends.  Student say not leave until they help load or see their large equipment loaded onto the equipment truck.  Students may *not* leave their instruments for others to take care of.

The band usually goes to Casey's afterwards for Pizza buffet.  Please bring $8 for pizza buffet then a couple of dollars for a tip.  Students must stay on the restaurant side of Casey's unless they are with a parent.

Friday Husky Link Performance

Wear jeans, band polo and athletic shoes Be sure to have your pep music Meet in the band room at 11:15 then head to gym for warmups Perform from 11:40-12:40

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Camp spirit days

Sunday- sports/college; 
Monday- animals; 
Tuesday- superhero; 
Wednesday- tie dye; 
Thursday- decades; 
Friday- blue/gold and "pimpstrument"

Final Mailing

The final mailing, with final itineraries, times, schedules, health forms, and packing lists SHOULD have been in your mailboxes yesterday.  I am frustrated to hear that for many of you, they are not.  If you ever feel like you are not getting mailings, please go to the link on the left, labeled "TWiB" to find a link to a spreadsheet/database of handouts and mailings.

Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


1) Health forms are in the mail.  Extra copies can be found in TWiB link
2) 60 second survey

Monday, July 20, 2015

Leadership team.

Section Leader positions assigned at a ratio of 
approximately 1 leader per 4-5 section members.  
I was able to assign only about 2/3 of applicants to leadership positions.  

Section Leaders are responsible for music and marching.   
Most sections have additional leaders that have been selected to assist with music and marching.   
Section leaders have the latitude to assign responsibilities (and titles) as they see fit.  
Make sure all decisions about titles and responsibilities are cleared through Mr. Senkmajer FIRST.  
You now have the title of “leadership team.”  

Friday, July 17, 2015

Jazz Band by Sperry's

4:30 PM Band Room Opens
4;45 PM Band Room closes
5:25 PM Meet down by Zebra Bar
6:00 PM Performance

I will bring stands, piano, chairs, stools
Would you please bring your own clothes pins?
Wear: Black on bottom, solid, colorful color on top
I will be in the band room at 9 AM tomorrow taking care of making sure we have the music all set and have extra copies of stuff.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Rotary parade

We are at the beginning of the parade this year.
Please drink water all day.
We will provide a snack at the route, and a bottle of water at the end

Please wear summer uniform:
band polo, black pants, black socks
marching shoes or all-black shoes.  All black. If shoes have anything "not black" on them, they will be taped over.
Students *may* substitute a superhero T-shirt or a superhero costume

Arrive by 5 PM at the corner by the radio station (WPHM) and Alpine Cycle

3:45 Band room opens
3:45 Equipment trailer will load
4:30 Band room closes
5:00 PM meet at corner by WPHM and Alpine Cycle.  Look for us
6:30 PM Parade begins
7:15 PM Get picked up on Desmond Landing by parents/friends/family

This information was also made available on the following TWiB handed out on Tuesday

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Color Guard Audition Results

Thank you to all students that came to clinics and auditions.

Remember that any student with the
desire to play and the motivation to learn is a
welcome member of the Northern Bands.

For some auditions (guard, drum line, band placement),
we sometimes we have to say “not yet.”
In fact, there are at least 4 current members of the guard
that did not make it on their first or second attempt. 

I am very impressed by their conviction and determination to continue to work towards their goal.  It is a characteristic that makes them very special, and our organization that much better.

If you are not included in the guard *this year*,
we hope that you know how important you will be
to us to help us create this fall’s marching band show.  


Grab your flag or your horn and prepare for a fantastic season!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Drum Line Placement 2015

Please direct all questions or concerns about placement to the drum line instructors.


Snare           Tenor        Bass           Cymbal 
Mitchell (R) 
Drake (R) 
Hannah (F) 
Brandon (F) 

Jaden (A) 

Gary (A) 

Danielle (C) 

Garrett (C) 

Haley (E) 

Max (E) 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Drum Major Audition Results

Congratulations to the three newest members of the leadership team:

Horn Captain: Brady Esterline
Drum Majors: Kit Harmer, Sara Jex

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Senior Assembly Info

Reminder about Senior Assembly Monday morning:
Symphonic, Wind Ensemble, No seniors

Dress nicely (but you don't have to go "fancy")
Check into Home Room, Come immediately to Band room
Make sure you have the following music:
Fanfare and Processional
Fanfare and Recessional
Star Spangled Banner
Fight Song
Go out to set-up
Play, be patient, applaud, play...

Banquet is Monday night.

Thanks, folks.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Banquet on Monday night!

Banquet on Monday, June 1, 6-8 PM.  WOOOOO!

Don't forget to bring in $6 for banquet OR RSVP for the banquet.
If you want to eat, you MUST bring in money Friday, or RSVP by Friday night!

You CAN RSVP here by Friday night (and pay Monday)

Step 1: go to CHARMS login:

Step 2: go to "Parent/Student" window
Enter: PHNBand
(no "s")

Step 3: scroll down to "Spring Banquet"
Click link, RSVP

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day Parade

Good evening.  

Tomorrow will be one of the most important and meaningful performances of the entire year.
We have once again been invited to participate in Port Huron’s Memorial Day ceremony.
This performance is an important reminder to acknowledge those that have fallen in service of our country.  The Northern Marching Band students always do an excellent job representing our school and our community in a classy, respectful manner.

Just a couple of quick reminders:

Eat a substantial breakfast and drink non-caffeinated drinks before you arrive.

Wear black dress pants, black marching shoes, black socks and your band polo.

If you need your instrument, the school will be open from 9:30 - 9:45, otherwise, meet us at Quay Street at 10 AM.

The parade will begin at 11 AM.  The ceremony at Pine Grove Park will follow immediately afterwards and students will be released at approximately 12:15 PM.

All school instruments and other large equipment must be loaded onto the trailer afterwards.

In the event of inclement weather, please check the band website for updates.
Thank you.

The text of this message can be found at

I hope you'll take 3 minutes to read this.