Friday, November 28, 2014

Santa Parade!

Uniform adjustments for Friday, November 28, Saturday, December 6
All uniform policies are in effect including: black/navy underneath, black socks, clean black shoes, etc….

Students are encouraged to wear a plain red-and-white santa hat (unless an entire section does otherwise)
Students are encouraged to wear a scarf of ANY color!
Students are encouraged to decorate themselves and their instruments with tinsel, electric lights, ribbons!
Long hair can be “down-but-gathered” in a 
Earrings (NEW for 2014! -> …or piercing in any part of the head including—but not limited to—ears, noses, lips, eyebrows, cheeks … “rolling up hills”) need to be subtle and invisible at 10 feet.  Test: Look in the mirror before you walk out the door…

Itinerary for Friday, November 28
Eat Dinner before you arrive
 4:30 PM  Band Room opens
 4:45 PM  Band Room Closes
 5:15 PM  Meet down behind SEMCO
 6:30 PM  Pickup at McMorran North Lot
No pep band tonight.  Admission could not be arranged.

Trailer decorating is going to be taken care of, so no need to meet us at 3 PM.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

T-day Parade One Call Now

* Good evening
* This is a message from the Port Huron Northern Bands on Wednesday, November 26
* Thank you for the food donations.  We are looking forward to a very nice breakfast.
* Seniors and Juniors, don’t forget to bring in the milk, orange juice and the granola bars in the morning.
* Everybody else, dress appropriately for the weather, 25 in the morning, with temperatures rising steadily throughout the day.  Remember, several light layers, make sure that only black and navy blue show through.  The handout covering all of this is still available on the front page of the band web site.
* ALL students need to be there by 4:55 in full uniform with instruments in cases.  We will give final instructions, have bus signup, and feed breakfast to the students.
* The parade company requires us to be on site by 6:45 and our buses can legally only drive 55.  We are not able to wait for stragglers.  As with all performances, must be uniformed correctly in order to march.
* Family members, you can watch us on WDIV between 10 AM and 10:30.  While you watch, (and tonight, for that matter) please go to and find the link to vote for us. Voting is open all weekend and you can vote repeatedly.  We are hoping that you will.
* Band Fan bus riders, please be on site by 5:30
* Please also don’t forget the Port Huron Santa Parade on Friday night.  Students are allowed some fun uniform variances.
* Don’t forget to vote for us all weekend.  The band looks and sounds amazing.
* It’s a great time to be in the Northern Bands.

Color Guard Lineup

1st- ally megan
2nd- maddie godwin, elise edie, meghan wilton
3rd- zoie nicholson, hannah halifax
4th- brooke snyder, cathy forsgren, maddy o'farrell
5th- mackenzie morrison, molly stephenson
6th- marissa uribe, alyssa jahn, alexis halsey

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Detroit Thanksgiving Day and Port Huron Santa and Sarnia Parade Information!

CLEAN lovely copy of handout I will give out in class:

Once again, in order to march, students need to have had an *excellent* record of attendance at the 6 parade rehearsals;  Final Parade Rehearsal, Tuesday, November 25; 2:45 - 4:30 PM; Marching Krafft and Fairway drive with a police escort for safety.

Please bring in the following to help take care of the group on Thursday:
Seniors: Box of Granola Bars Thursday morning or Tues
Juniors: Gallon of Milk or Orange Juice Thursday Morning or Tues
Sophomore Boys: Box of Bisquick Tuesday after rehearsal
Sophomore Girls: Bottle of syrup or “tubbed” margarine Tuesday
Freshman Boys: Dozen Eggs Tuesday end rehearsal
Freshman Girls: Pkg. “Link” sausage Tuesday at end of rehearsal

Uniform policies for Thursday (slightly different for Friday):  All normal uniform expectations are in effect including:

  • Hair must be secured up and into hat so that the hat can be put on and removed as necessary
  • Makeup must be subtle/“invisible”; Earrings must be subtle stud-style and invisible at 10 feet 
  • Socks must be black and run up to mid-calf; Shoes must be clean
  • Any-underlayers must be invisible and NAVY blue or black in color

Additional uniform considerations:
  • Navy blue or black hats and head bands are allowed under the uniform hat, but cannot interfere with the ability to wear the hat normally; Sweatshirt layers must not have hoods
  • Students may use hand and foot warmers, but please be careful about having them in direct contact with bare skin
  • Students may wear additional layers of black gloves; layers must not interfere with the normal operation of the instruments
  • Students should wear multiple thin layers (navy blue or black); Leggings, secondary pants-layers must be tucked into socks
Itinerary for Thursday, November 27:
4:00 AM Building opens
4:15 AM Breakfast volunteers start setting up, cooking
4:55 AM Sit down for hot breakfast at PHN Cafeteria; Students arrive in full uniform, carrying hats 
Need breakfast food donations, see above  Please contact boosters at
    Looking for breakfast cleanup crew (*could* be fan bus people!)
5:35 AM Band buses depart 6:00 AM Fan Bus departs
6:45 AM Required arrival, per Parade Company
  Line up, check in, walk from buses to staging area to parade “head”
  If you bring blankets, we have arranged for them to be donated to a 
  homeless shelter.  We have no mechanism to transport/store/return them
9:00 AM Stepoff
  Don’t forget to have all of your friends and neighbors vote for us on “Click on Detroit”
  Link will be available on from November 26 - 30!
10:45 AM Approximate PHN Bands parade finish
11:00 AM Bands load equipment, get drink, snack
  Parents/Students riding home with parents *must* check out with Mr. Senkmajer before the buses depart
11:30 AM Student buses will depart from Larned between Woodward and Randolph
Students that have not been picked up by 11:30 will be transported back to Port Huron
We will not leave students in Detroit; we can’t hold everyone else up from their families
Fans will need to verify bus departure time and location with the Preferred Charter driver

Port Huron Santa Parade Nov. 28 and Sarnia Parade of Lights Dec. 6
(Sarnia parade is watched by tens of thousands and they *love* our band!)

Uniform adjustments for Friday, November 28, Saturday, December 6

  • Students are encouraged to wear a plain red-and-white santa hat (unless an entire section does otherwise)
  • Students are encouraged to wear a scarf of ANY color!
  • Students are encouraged to decorate themselves and their instruments with tinsel, electric lights, ribbons!
Itinerary for Friday, November 28
Eat Dinner before you arrive
4:30 PM Band Room opens
4:45 PM  Band Room Closes
5:15 PM  Meet down behind SEMCO
6:45 PM  Pickup at McMorran North Lot
7:15 PM  Possibly a pep band that night? Information to follow!

3:00 PM  If anybody would like to help decorate, the band trailer, come and help!

Itinerary for Saturday, December 6
Eat Dinner before you arrive
4:30 PM  Arrive at PHN Band Room
4:45 PM  Board buses
5:15 PM  Cross into Canada
6:00 PM  Parade begins
7:15 PM  Parade finishes, get snack
7:30 PM  Depart Sarnia
8:30 PM  Anticipated return

According to Customs agents on both sides of the border, students are *required to carry* any one of the following: a birth certificate, a Nexus card, Enhanced ID or Passport

Friday, November 21, 2014

One Call Now November 21

This is a message from the Port Huron Northern Bands on Friday night, November 21.

There are a few more seats available for students and parents for the CMU trip tomorrow.  Be at the school by 6 AM.  Itinerary and travel permit are at  Dress in several layers!

All students in all bands have a short playing evaluation on Monday and Tuesday.  Students have had the material for the evaluations for about 10 days.

Freshman Band has a terms and definitions quiz this upcoming week.  We reviewed the list of terms and definitions during several classes this week.

On Sunday, please check both the and the websites for Parade updates.  The band looks and sounds great.

Thank you to the families that followed us around on our longer practice run on Thursday.

Final uniform information, policies, and regulations will be briefly reviewed and handed out on Monday in class.  They will also be available on the Band website.

We are almost out of the new hats.  You can get one for $10.  They are a GREAT weight and the build is good.

The text of this message can be found at

Thursday, November 20, 2014

CMU field trips

Friday Workshop:
Depart at 5:30 AM
Eat before you arrive
Bring $$ for lunch
Bring your instrument
Dress comfortably, but not sloppily
Return approximately 6:00 PM

Saturday CMU Football game
Depart at 6:00 AM
Eat before you arrive
Bring $$ for lunch and dinner
Return approximately 6:00 PM

We still have a few seats left for the CMU field trip!  Contact Band Boosters or Mr. Senkmajer ASAP

Jazz Band I - Literature

Easy Pak #38
There's no Place Like Home - Swing
Jingle Bells (watch the key signature!) - Swing
The Christmas Song (Concentrate on consistent air) - Ballad

East Pak #7
Jingle Bell Rock - Rock
I'll Be Home for Christmas - Ballad

Free-standing songs
O Holy Night - Ballad
Twelve Days of Christmas
O Christmas Tree - Swing
Twelve Days of Christmas - Rock
Comfort and Joy (*new) - Swing
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen

We will be playing at least 3 gigs in the next 6 weeks, we need to be ready!