Monday, October 28, 2013

Play Order

PHN Concert Band
Shenanigans     Robert Sheldon

Midnight Escape  Larry Neeck

Pandora   Randall Standridge

Flight of the Vampire   John Prescott

PHN Symphonic Band
Ghost Riders    Roland Barrett

Themes from Halo Suite      O’Donnell/Salvatore, arr.: R. Sheldon 

Music for a Darkened Theater   D. Elfman, arr.: M. Brown

Northern Winds and Percussion
Night on Fire    John Mackey

Pachyderm Polka   Gary Sullivan

Fantasia 2000    arr.: Jay Bocook

Strike floor, chairs on left as you face band, stands on right

PHN Drum Line

PHN Marching Band
Pregame Sequence

Halftime “Sir Elton John”
Funeral for a Friend
Love Lies Bleeding
Your Song
Saturday Night’s Alright

Introduce seniors

Everybody’s Everything

Fight song


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

One Call Now! October 16

5 items:
There is an International Symphony Orchestra performance on Friday night, October 18 at Port Huron Northern.  Free student tickets are available in the band room.

Would you like a pep band for your tailgate party for the Big Game on November 2?  Information is available from a band student and also on the band web site.

There is a band concert coming up.  Make sure your student understands the concert uniform expectations.  This information is available on TWiBs that have been handed out repeatedly in class.  The TWiB archive can be found online at

Thursday will be the last day for students to include their marching band picture order with the group order.

Thursday is a Marching Band rehearsal from 2:40 - 4:15 PM. Some sections will stay later.

The text of this message can be found at


Northern Band plays for you!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Missing Assignments?

Parent Signature
Handed out in class and available in hard copy for the first  weeks and available online since then, this was a packet containing the year's calendar.  Students signed one, then the parent was supposed to sign and return.  Download calendar.

Writing 1
Done during class, this was a short writing assignment that asked students to choose three writing prompts and write a few sentences on each.  Download Writing 1
Writing 2
Done during class, this was a short writing assignment that asked students to listen to somebody play something, ANYTHING and write in a manner that offered constructive, helpful feedback.  Download Writing 2
This was a music theory pretest worked on during class on two separate days.  This can not be downloaded.  Studnet will have to schedule an appointment to come in during lunch to complete.

These assignments were announced several times in class and made available on several of the TWIB handouts and also included in the newsletter that was mailed home in late September.  Print front page of band web site and booster web site. Print front page, 1-of-1 (first page is very long).
Student print name on it, parent signature
Don’t worry if not all images print, Show that you GOT there

This assignment was announced several times in class and made available on several of the TWIB handouts and also included in the newsletter that was mailed home in late September.  All - extra credit to go to and print first page of @phnbands Twitter feed!

FC - Fingering Chart
This assignment was announced several times in class and made available on several of the TWIB handouts and also included in the newsletter that was mailed home in late September.  Acquire fingering chart from ANY source, turn in September 27 Must cover advanced range
Flutes extra credit: trill charts Percussion - print copies of ALL PAS  (2 pages)
Can be downloaded from

Friday, October 11, 2013

Driven to Give + Pep Bands

PLEASE come help the band by test driving a Lincoln at Northgate Ford tomorrow!

One driver, 21 and over, from each household can qualify.

We will be there from 9 AM  - 4 PM.

Pep band students!
THANK YOU for helping us out on this!
Uniform: Jeans and Band polo
Times: 9 AM, 11:30 AM, 2 PM
Each pep band will run approximately 1 hour
The band room will be open at 30 minutes prior to the beginning of each pep band.

Let's make some noise!  Bring a friend!  Play several!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

One Call Now October 9, 2013

This is a message from the Port Huron Northern Bands

Please don’t forget to come test drive a Ford this saturday at Northgate Ford between 9 AM and 4 PM.  Each drive will earn $20 for the bands.  Please invite your friends, neighbors, and relatives.

We also need three pep bands that day.  Please have your student sign up for a 1 hour shift in the band room.

Wind Ensemble, please wear black tomorrow

Congratulations to the Northern Marching Band for again earning a first division at festival.

Marching band rehearsals will be shortened by about 45 minutes for the rest of the season.  Some sections will still have sectionals.

Festival picture order forms were made available in the band room.  The first round of forms will be mailed out next Wednesday.

Senior Band night is at the October 25 game.  

We have a concert at the end of the month.  Uniform guidelines will be handed out to students in an upcoming TWIB.

This information can be found online at

Monday, October 7, 2013

Northern Band Students Shine On...

3.5 Assembly today:

PHN Band students:
20% of the school population
35% of the 3.5 assembly.  


Congrats again!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

MB Evening Schedule Tuesday, October 8


6:30 Marysville HS Freshmen
Dennis Duso

6:45 Memphis HS
Joshua Eash

7:00 Algonac HS
Robert Gras

7:15 Richmond HS
Molly Schack

7:30 St. Clair HS
Micah Volz

7:45 Marine City HS
David Uhrig

8:00 Marysville HS
Dennis Duso

8:15 Port Huron HS
Scott Jones

8:45 Port Huron Northern HS
Erick Senkmajer

One Call Now October 6, 2013

One Call now

Good evening folks.  Here are a couple of quick announcements
MB Rehearsal Monday
MB Festival Tuesday, a very few tickets are still available.  If you buy them through us, *PHN Bands* gets the money.
Band/Senior Night October 25
All Bands Concert October 29
Please, don’t forget to send 1 Adult over 21 per household to Northgate Ford this coming Saturday for Driven to give.  Please also try to send one additional neighbor or relative over 21.  

This information will be available on a TWIB and also on the website